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Rohini Vrat 2024: Date, rituals, significance, shubh muhurat and puja samagri

Rohini Vrat is one of the most auspicious festivals of the Jain community. Jain communities around the world celebrate this auspicious day with great fanfare and extravagance. Rohini is one of the 27 Nakshatras of Jainism and Hinduism. On this day, followers of the Jain faith fast in the hope of attaining prosperity, serenity and happiness. It is believed that fasting on this occasion can free the individual from all forms of misery, anguish and suffering. The name of the Rohini Nakshatra corresponds to the significance of fasting during the Rohini Vrat. Here are some things to keep in mind as we prepare to celebrate this auspicious day. (Also read: Puthandu 2024: Date, rituals, significance, celebration and all that you need to know about Tamil New Year)
Rohini Vrat will be observed on Friday, April 12. The auspicious timing of the Rohini Nakshatra to observe the occasion will commence at 1:38 AM on April 12 and conclude at 12:51 AM on April 13.
One of the significant days in Jainism involves women fasting in hopes of enhancing the quality of life and prosperity for their husbands and families. According to Drik Panchang, Rohini fasting is observed on the day when Rohini Nakshatra prevails after sunrise. It is believed that observing Rohini fasting can alleviate all forms of sorrow and poverty. The Parana of Rohini Nakshatra is performed during Margashirsha Nakshatra when Rohini. Rohini Vrat is typically observed for three, five, or seven years consecutively, with Udyapana being consumed to conclude the Rohini fast.
The vrat can be observed continuously for three, five or seven years, although the most recommended period is five years and five months, ending with the Udyapana ceremony. Women fasting on the day of Rohini vrat usually begins by getting up early and taking a holy bath. An idol of Bhagavan Vasupujya, one of the twenty-four Tirthankaras, is placed on the altar in the puja room, bathed in holy water and adorned with aromatic substances in elaborate rituals.
The puja is followed by fasting until the rise of the Margashirsha Nakshatra. The duration of the Rohini vrat is determined by the women observing it. At its conclusion, the vrat is concluded with an appropriate Udyapana ceremony, which may include giving to the needy, visiting the temple of Vasupujya, or performing charitable deeds.
